Seattle Parkour

Community Resources

Discord server - public jams and other local parkour discussion

Mailing list - a subset of Discord events are posted here

Dynasty Fitness - local gym over in Issaquah, see their calendar for open gym and class schedule

Upcoming Events

Ask on the Discord for more info!

August 9-11 - Seattle Summer Jam

August 16-18 - SPL

August 24 - Backflip Fundamentals @ 12pm-1:30pm  and Backflip Intensive Level 1 @ 2pm-4pm with Abe 

August 25 - Backflip Intensive Level 1 @ 1pm-3pm with Abe

August 23-26 - Bend Jam, check posts on for details

Wednesday Jumps

Every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm, rain or shine, we're jumping somewhere in the city. (Literally every single Wednesday since June 9, 2021). Join the discord server or the mailing list for location details. Join us for food afterwards too!

This is an open jam -- everyone is welcome. Bring your ideas and come train with us.

Seattle Summer Jam

August 9-11, 2024, see the jam page for more details!


Small winter jam held 3.5 times since 2022. Every year we think it's gonna rain but then it's unseasonably beautiful out. Most recently we've done jogging adventures through spots along the local light rail. Watch this space for Sufferfest 2025!